Advancing worldwide neuroscience and education for brain and mental health.
If you have any news to share with the public via the CINP's website or social media, please email
CINP President Prof. Siegfried Kasper received his honorary degree from the University of Thessaloniki last week. Please see below for some impression.
Read the latest Neurotransletter informing you about the CINP 2020 Awards, the latest literature, our recorded videos and more.
Read about our future congresses, 2020 elections, 2019 International Meeting & more.
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Read about the CINP 2020 World Congress, 2020 Elections, the 2019 Rafaelsen Award Winners and more in this month's CINP Neurotransletter.
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Read the latest Message from the President to know more about the latest developments within the college as well as the 2019 CINP International Meeting.
Read the latest CINP Neurotransletter on the increased impact factor of our journal, our educative course in India, literature on the approval of Eskatamine and more.
With the launch of the CINP YouTube channel last month, we have added another platform to share highly scientific knowledge with our community. We have just added the second video by our Past President Prof. John H. Krystal about 'Rapid Acting Antidepressants'. Also, do not forget to subscribe to our channel to not miss any videos in the future! The next step to further digitalize the college comes with the new CINP App which you can now download in store by searching for 'CINP'. CINP Members also have the advantage to login with the same account as on the CINP homepage. We also have two important upcoming deadlines related to the 2019 International Meeting next month.
Furthermore, we will be finalizing the destinations of the annual CINP World Congress 2021-2025 next month and are excited to share these news with you. Last but not least, the International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology (IJNP) is on the search for a new Editor-in-Chief starting with the handover from Prof. Alan Frazer at the 2020 CINP World Congress (June 25-28) in Taipei, Taiwan. You can now send your application for this exciting position to the CINP Head Office and find more information on our homepage.
For any further questions, please send an email to the CINP Head Office.
With kind regards, Prof. Siegfried Kasper CINP President
Due to a popular demand we are happy to announce that we have extended three deadlines.
We are proud to share the official CINP membership brochure with you, where you can find all the relevant information in one document. Feel free to share it with your friends and colleagues should they be interested in joining CINP or would simply like to know more about the college. Click the button below to download the brochure!
We are proud to present to you the CINP YouTube channel, where we will be posting videos from our congresses, messages from the CINP board and other videos stacked with highly scientific content. Subscribe now to not miss any videos!
Starting with the first video, in conjunction with the Taiwanese Society of Biological Psychiatry and Neuropsychopharmacology (TSBPN), CINP organized a symposium for local experts which was held in the Taipei 101, Taiwan consisting of four talks. Today, we would like to share the session of CINP President Professor Siegfried Kasper, who talked about therapy resistant depression by explaining the general scope of the problem.
You can visit our website for more literature. Here are the most recent articles of value to our community.
We would like to spotlight a session of the 2019 International Meeting every month by starting with a symposium on breakthroughs and controversies in insomnia (Oct 4, 14:30 - 16:00).
Dear colleagues,
After a very sucessfull programme committee meeting for the CINP 2020 World Congress in Taipei, Taiwan (June 25-28) I am happy to share the latest developments around the college with you. The preperations of the next World Congress have already started last year, but the scientific programme has been developed in the last weeks and will be shared with you soon. Thanks again to all the experts who submitted a symposium! We very much value your highly scientific input.
Coming to the 2019 International Meeting, it has been decided to extend the abstract submission deadline to June 14 to ensure late-breaking abstracts can be submitted. Further updates to the scientific programme have also been made and can be found on the conference website.
Also, to broaden our international network we have established an automatic membership application process.
Professionals that are already members of the Asian College of Neuropsychopharmacology (AsCNP) may now apply for CINP membership without an additional vetting process and their membership levels will be matched accordingly. Therefore, this process applies to the following members of the AsCNP.
The college is also in close contact with other regional and national societies all over the world to further develop this process and thereby strengthen our international relationships. Please see our membership page for more information.
As we have announced the congress website for the CINP 2019 International Meeting in the last newsletter, we are happy to inform you that the preliminary program as well as abstract submission is now available. The deadline for submitting your abstract is March 29, 2019 (23:59 PST).
The CINP Head Office is also now accepting applications for the Rafaelsen Award. You can find the guidelines on our homepage. Please download the application form and send it back to us by April 15, 2019. Registration will open next week with the early-bird deadline on April 24, 2019. Stay tuned!
The secretariat office is working on some exciting updates this year and we can’t wait to tell you more. We hope you will stay connected and renew your membership for 2019. Please visit our website for more information and to renew.
The CINP Head Office is currently in the process of evaluating the received bids from the different destinations to host the CINP World Congress 2021 - 2025. These will be discussed in the next CINP Executive Committee meeting and the outcome will be shared with you shortly.
Visit our website for more literature. Here are the most recent articles of value to our community.
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