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About CINP

The International College of Neuropsychopharmacology (CINP) (Collegium Internationale Neuro-Psychopharmacologicum) is a truly worldwide organization established in 1957 in Zurich, Switzerland and can count on a widespread support from all over the world by its active members. Holding regular meetings in form of Training, Educational Programs, International Meetings and World Congresses, CINP reaches interested researchers all over the world. Clinicians hear about the latest research advances and new treatments whilst researchers hear about new clinical needs and problems. Therefore, CINP is dedicated to promoting research and education on a worldwide basis.

CINP Mission

Advancing worldwide neuroscience and education for brain and mental health.


  • To facilitate training of psychiatrists in quantitative rating scales and ethical research methodology to enhance manpower for clinical trials worldwide
  • To maintain partnership and cooperation with the worldwide pharmaceutical industry
  • Critical thinking about the limits of psychopharmacology, ethical issues in psychopharmacology research, and early warning systems about side effects of psychopharmacology treatments.
  • To provide advice and consultation for the evaluation of all aspects of neuropsychiatric drugs, including biochemistry, pharmacology, safety and therapeutic efficacy
  • To improve and advance research activities thus leading to improved patient care.

CINP is a genuinely international organization while its Executive Committee and Council include leadership and knowledge in psychopharmacology from around the world, who are nominated by the members and serve as an officer of the College for a minimum of 4 years.
The College relies on its many subcommittees who undertake a variety of activities for CINP and are dedicated to developing the many different facets of CINP activity. For example, two of the remits of our Education Committee are to bring neuropsychopharmacology to colleagues in developing regions and to develop and deliver the active mentor-mentee program.

Its membership includes psychiatrists, pharmacologists and other basic scientists, and research psychologists and is available to any individual to apply for. The membership application is reviewed by a dedicated committee on a regular basis.

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