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Neuroscience-based Nomenclature

Together with representatives from ECNP, ACNP, AsCNP, and IUPHAR, a task force was formed to address a longstanding concern within the neuropsychopharmacological community that the nomenclature of psychotropic drugs did not properly reflect the underlying neuroscience of these compounds.
The Neuroscience-based Nomenclature (NbN) is a publication and a digital application of psychiatric medications classified by their pharmacology and mode of action. The NbN is updated on a yearly basis, equipping clinician with the latest insights in neuroscience in a way that can be applied in treatment on a daily basis.
The core principles of the NbN are:
  1. To move from a disease-based classification (e.g antidepressants, antipsychotics, anxiolytics, sleeping pills, mood stabilizers, etc.) to a pharmacology driven classification in order to shift from symptoms to mechanisms, from disease to pharmacology.
  2. To open the gate to contemporary neuroscience insights and to incorporate recent findings in brain research to the classification of drugs that are used to treat psychiatric disorders.
  3. To replace 60 years old nomenclature of psychotropics with updated neuroscience-based nomenclature (NbN).
  4. To provide an important teaching tool that presents the depths and richness of the neuroscience fabric of psychotropics.


NbN C&A   

Two websites –  NbN2R and NbN C&A

A number of books – NbN, NbN2, NbN2R, NbN2R 2019 edition, and NbN-ca. The NbN2R 2019 edition is now available on Amazon and as an eBook.
Learn more about the NbN on Wikipedia and on YouTube 

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