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CINP is the world’s truly global psychopharmacology organisation.  It is a membership organisation with worldwide support and welcomes membership applications from all who are dedicated to the highest quality research in neuropsychopharmacology.
CINP membership is based on the calendar year (January 1 to December 31). If you join or renew mid-year, benefits begin with date of dues payment until the end of the same year.

Would you like to have all the membership information in one document on your laptop? Download the official membership brochure below!

Membership Levels

Automatic Membership Approval

In order to facilitate global membership and invite professionals from the neuropsychopharmacological community onto the international stage, the Executive Committee of the International College of Neuropsychopharmacology (CINP) has decided to adjust their vetting procedure for membership.

Professionals that are already member of a specific college may now apply for CINP membership without an additional vetting process and their membership levels will be matched accordingly. Therefore, CINP has decided to automatically approve membership applications from the following societies.

Asian College of Neuropsychopharmacology (AsCNP)

  • AsCNP Member -> CINP Member
  • AsCNP Board Member -> CINP Fellow

Invitation Letter to AsCNP President

American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ACNP)

  • ACNP Fellow → CINP Fellow
  • ACNP Member → CINP Fellow
  • ACNP Associate Member → CINP Member

Invitation Letter to ACNP President

African College of Neuropsychopharmcology (AfCNP)

  • AfCNP Member -> CINP Member

Invitation Letter to AfCNP President

British Association for Psychopharmacology (BAP)

  • BAP Full Membership -> CINP Fellow
  • BAP Early Career Membership -> CINP Member
  • BAP Training Membership -> CINP Associate Member

Invitation Letter to BAP President

Membership Dues

The CINP membership dues for CINP Members and Fellows are seperated in four levels directly tied to yearly country classification provided by the World Bank for Economy & Growth. For detailed information see the 2021 World Bank List of Economies.

Associate Member ($30)

Associate members shall have training or experience in any of the fields relevant to basic or clinical neuropsychopharmacology, includ­ing psychiatrists with a clinical focus in psychopharmacology. They must demonstrate to the Credentials and Membership Committee their sincere interest and ability in some aspect of neuropsychopharmacology.

Associate Members are not eligible to vote, hold office, serve as mem­bers of committees, propose amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws, nominate candidates for officers and members of Council or entitled to receive a discount for CINP meetings.

Early Careers Member ($65)

Psychiatric trainees with more than 2 years of training and psychiatrists up to 5 years post psychiatric qualification. Researchers can be a M.D., Ph.D., Post-doctoral fellow, or Research Fellow with more than 2 years in training and up to 5 years after Ph.D. (or equivalent).

Member ($45, $85, $130, $160)

Members shall have training or experience in any of the biomedical fields relevant to neuropsychopharmacology, and have earned an M.D., Ph.D. or equivalent degree and can demonstrate to the Credentials and Membership Committee they are active researchers in some aspect of neuropsychopharma­cology.

Fellow ($45, $85, $130, $160)

A member may apply to become a Fellow of CINP after being a member of the As­sociation for 5 years. The Credentials and Membership Committee will decide if the applicant has made significant contributions to the Society consistent with the applicant being raised to the level of Fellow. Such contributions would in­clude:

  1. Regularly attendance at CINP meetings.
  2. Presenting on behalf of CINP at educational meetings.
  3. Being on the Editorial Board or being a reviewer for the International Jour­nal of Neuropsychopharmacology.
  4. Serving on CINP committees.
  5. Serving as a CINP mentor.

In exceptional circumstances, upon recommendation of the Credentials and Membership Committee, the Executive Committee may authorize admittance as a Fellow to an applicant who meets all the criteria for admission as a Member (Ar­ticle I, Paragraph 2(a)) and has an outstanding record of research in the field of Neuropsychopharmacology.

Before filling the application form, please prepare the following information:

  • Academic Background
  • Five most important publications
  • List presentations on CINP meetings

In addition, please prepare the following documents (we accept Adobe PDF and Microsoft Word (DOC) files only).

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • List of publications
  • Any other relevant information

Membership Benefits

  • A discounted delegate fee for the annual CINP congress.
  • Significantly reduced publishing costs for the IJNP – click here to read the author guidelines.
  • Access to the CINP Directory which contains a listing of all members.
  • Access to the members-only area on the website.
  • Opportunity to nominate and support colleagues for CINP Awards.
  • Members, Early Careers Members & Fellows are eligible for voting.
  • Nominate other members for open positions on the Executive Committee and Council.

It is CINP’s intention to increase and enhance the benefits for members over the coming years. Further information may be obtained by contacting us here.

Cancellation Policy

Membership cancellations received in writing at the CINP Head Office within 30 days of joining will be accepted and fees refunded, less a USD $50 administrative fee. Cancellations received after 30 days of joining will not be refunded.

©2024 CINP