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We are delighted to invite applications from eligible CINP members* to join the Early Careers Committee, which is responsible for the engagement of multidisciplinary early career researchers with the various activities of the CINP.

Key responsibilities of CINP Early Careers Committee members:

  • Ensuring that the CINP Congress programme is early career friendly,
  • Organizing the annual Research Fellowship programme, which culminates in an in-person session adjunct to the CINP World Congress
  • Organizing in-person social events for early careers during the CINP World Congress,
  • Contributing to social media engagement by suggesting content for different platforms,
  • Organizing online events in liaison with the CINP Global Networking Communities to bring together experts and early career clinicians and researchers
  • Notifying early career peers in their countries/networks of CINP activities and important deadlines
Eligibility Criteria
  • CINP membership (please note that a new Early Careers membership is now available)
  • Commitment to attend three committee meetings per annum (online or in-person)
  • One A4 page CV and one A4 letter of motivation 
Application Deadline: 15th December 2023
All applications and supporting documents should be sent to earlycareers@cinp.org

We look forward to receiving your applications!

Dr Asilay Seker, Chair, Early Careers Committee
Prof Joseph Zohar, President CINP

* Definition of early career status (subject to documentary evidence and final approval from the CINP Early Careers Committee):
Psychiatric trainees with more than 2 years of training and psychiatrists up to 5 years post psychiatric qualification
Researchers can be a M.D., Ph.D., Post-doctoral fellow, or Research Fellow with more than 2 years in training and up to 5 years after Ph.D. (or equivalent)

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