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Research Fellowship program

Apply for the 2nd CINP Research Fellowship for Early Careers

Application Deadline 15th December 2023

The CINP Early Careers Committee is organizing the 2nd CINP Research Fellowship for Early Careers with the theme ‘The Biomarker Quest: A Focus on Methodology’. This Fellowship programme will bring together a select group of early career clinicians and researchers to design and conduct their research projects under the mentorship of renowned experts.

Check-out information about the 1st edition of the CINP Research Fellowship for Early Careers for reference.

The programme includes online teaching modules with top researchers in their fields, such as Profs Allan Young, Samuele Cortese, Dominique Andres and Jennifer Phillips as well as an in-person colloquium that will take place immediately before the 35th CINP World Congress in Tokyo, Japan on 22nd May 2024 at 14:00 - 17:00. The in-person session will follow a reception and will include discussions on assigned papers and presentations from the participants on their research projects. 

The expected outcome is a collaborative research project on biomarkers in psychiatry.

Selected participants are required to register for the 35th CINP World Congress (the registration fee will be waived for the successful applicants) and to attend both the online and in-person components of the fellowship programme. Participants who successfully complete the full programme will be awarded with ‘CINP Research Fellow’ certificates. There is no charge to participate in the Research Fellowship Programme, though applicants will be required to arrange their own accommodation and travel for the in-person component in Tokyo.

Eligibility Criteria

  • CINP membership and Early Career Status* (please note that a new Early Career membership option is now available
  • Submission of at least 1 document evidencing early career status 
  • Submission of an updated CV
  • Submission of a motivational letter, explaining why the applicant is suitable for this fellowship programme 

Applicants including a recommendation letter from a CINP member will be prioritized, however it is not mandatory.

Application Deadline: 15th December 2023

All applications and supporting documents should be sent to earlycareers@cinp.org

* Definition of early career status (subject to documentary evidence and final approval from the CINP Early Careers Committee):
Psychiatric trainees with more than 2 years of training and psychiatrists up to 5 years post psychiatric qualification
Researchers can be a M.D., Ph.D., Post-doctoral fellow, or Research Fellow with more than 2 years in training and up to 5 years after Ph.D. (or equivalent)

Dr Asilay Seker – CINP Early Careers Committee chair
Prof Joseph Zohar – CINP President

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