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Awards & Competitions

The International College of Neuropsychopharmacology would like to present six awards that are conferred at the annual World Congress. The awards recognize great achievements by individuals in the field of neuropsychopharmacology and support the winners in form of travel grants or complimentary registration.

Student Encouragement Award

This award is to encourage PhD students globally to participate in and experience our Congress. The applicants must be a PhD student/postgraduate student, submit abstract for oral or poster presentation and register for the Congress. A maximum of 10 awardees will be selected. This Award will consist of a monetary award of USD 200 and a commemorative certificate. OPEN FOR SUBMISSION

Rafaelsen Young Investigators Award

The Young Investigator Awards are open to individuals world-wide. Applications must be sponsored by a CINP member. Applicants must be working within the area of neuropsychopharmacology and should have obtained a PhD or MD within the last 10 years prior to the last date of application. OPEN FOR SUBMISSION - DEADLINE EXTENDED

CINP Brain Health Basic & Clinical Research Awards

The recipients of the award will be chosen by an international scientific jury. Each award consists of a monetary award of $5,000 (USD); an engraved plaque, paid registration fees for the Congress; air travel support; and up to three nights’ accommodation at the Congress Hotel. 

Max Hamilton Memorial Prize

The Max Hamilton Memorial Prize is given to a young scientist in recognition of an outstanding contribution to psychopharmacology. Nominations can be made by any individual; nominees need not be members of the CINP, but must younger than 45 years of age on the 31st of December in the year of the meeting. CLOSED

Pioneer in Psychopharmacology Award

This Award may be given at the discretion of the Executive Committee to honor those who have made major contributions to the field as it has developed. The contributions may be in research, clinical, or administrative areas but must be internationally recognized as significant to the growth of the field.  Please note that this is a discretionary award for which CINP does not solicit nominations.

Ethics Prize in Psychopharmacology

The Ethics Prize in Psychopharmacology will recognize an individual’s outstanding achievements in ethics research within the field of psychopharmacology as well as their contribution to the promotion of public awareness of ethics in psychopharmacology and contributions to the world-wide solution of issues and questions within the ethical practice of psychopharmacology. Applicants must be nominated by a CINP member, include a CV and a one to three page statement of the justification of the nomination. CLOSED

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