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Message from CINP President Professor Pierre Blier

March 25, 2022 15:11 | Anonymous
It is with great concern and sadness that we have witnessed the unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, a sovereign country, by the Russian armed forces. Attempts to re-draw the world map by any means other than a democratic process is unacceptable. We are increasingly dismayed by the ongoing destruction, forced migration, and deaths.
As the CINP is a scientific society that has striven to relieve the burden of mental disorders since 1957, we deplore this huge step backward in the accomplishments of our goals. The psychological burden created by this situation is already having unimaginable consequences for survivors and will be enduring for future generations. We are pleading for a prompt resolution of this war.
I urge worldwide support to victims of this conflict who include migrants, refugees and stateless persons. We encourage our members to donate to reputable organisations such as The International Red Cross and Unicef, which work globally in crisis situations.

Pierre Blier
CINP President

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