Dear colleagues,
After a very sucessfull programme committee meeting for the CINP 2020 World Congress in Taipei, Taiwan (June 25-28) I am happy to share the latest developments around the college with you.
The preperations of the next World Congress have already started last year, but the scientific programme has been developed in the last weeks and will be shared with you soon. Thanks again to all the experts who submitted a symposium! We very much value your highly scientific input.
Coming to the 2019 International Meeting, it has been decided to extend the abstract submission deadline to June 14 to ensure late-breaking abstracts can be submitted.
Further updates to the scientific programme have also been made and can be found on the conference website.
Also, to broaden our international network we have established an automatic membership application process.
Professionals that are already members of the Asian College of Neuropsychopharmacology (AsCNP) may now apply for CINP membership without an additional vetting process and their membership levels will be matched accordingly. Therefore, this process applies to the following members of the AsCNP.
- AsCNP Member -> CINP Member
- AsCNP Board Member -> CINP Fellow
The college is also in close contact with other regional and national societies all over the world to further develop this process and thereby strengthen our international relationships. Please see our membership page for more information.
For any further questions, please send an email to the CINP Head Office.
With kind regards,
Prof. Siegfried Kasper
CINP President