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  • President's Message

As the old year draws to a close, the CINP Executive Committee and I would like to send you our very best wishes for a healthy and happy 2024.  We very much hope that it will be a fulfilling year for you all, both personally and professionally.

I would also like to take a moment to remind you of some of CINP’s 2023 highlights:

  1. Our annual congress in Montreal was acknowledged as a resounding scientific and social success. Have a look at this video-clip to get an idea of what it felt like to be there.
  2. Younger colleagues hold the key to CINP’s successful future. 2023 has seen us establish an active Early Careers Committee, a dedicated Early Careers track at the annual meeting and a flourishing Research Fellowship program. If you think any of your younger colleagues may be interested in this opportunity, please ask them to contact Asilay Seker, the EC Committee Chair.
  3. The first of our Global Networking Communities (GNCs) are already up and running. These GNCs include Difficult to Treat Depression, Fast Acting Medication, Precision Psychiatry, Neuromodulation, OCD Spectrum and Digital Intervention – we’d be delighted to hear your suggestions for other topics.
  4. We are collaborating with the team behind Brain Behavior and Emotions, a highly regarded South American neuroscience congress, to hold a joint Summit meeting in Brazil every November. Look out for more information about the first meeting, which will take place in Sao Paolo on 15 and 16 November 2024.
  5. After a lengthy consultative process, CINP changed its Association Manager and PCO to AIM Group International in May; we’re pleased to report that the first few months of the collaboration have been effective and fruitful.
  6. We have already received a record number of abstracts for CINP2024 in Tokyo – more than 600 to date – and are very excited about what promises to be an outstanding event. Don’t forget to take advantage of the early bird registration rates – the deadline is January 12th.
  7. Dates and locations have already been fixed for the CINP2025 and CINP2026 congresses which will take place in Melbourne and Glasgow respectively.
  8. We’re refreshing CINP’s brand, with a new logo and website to be launched shortly.
  9. We’re also working closely with our peer intercontinental societies, the WPA and WFSBP on the development of App based global guidelines, which are locally specific and culturally sensitive.
  10. Ongoing collaborations are in place with a number of national societies, including the Chinese Society of Psychiatry and the Philippine Psychiatric Association, supporting our mission of bringing the global neuropsychopharmacology community together. Drop us a line if you’re interested in creating closer links between CINP and your own national society.

With my very best wishes for a prosperous year for you, your families, and CINP.  

Prof Joseph Zohar

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