Advancing worldwide neuroscience and education for brain and mental health.
If you have any news to share with the public via the CINP's website or social media, please email
In the latest Message from the President, Prof. Siegfried Kasper addresses the newest developments around CINP and wishes the whole CINP community a happy holiday. Read more here:
Read the latest Neurotransletter on the 2021 Virtual World Congress, CINP Pioneer Award, Webinar on Anxiety Disorders and the latest literature.
Read the latest message from CINP President Prof. Siegfried Kasper on the 2021 virtual congress, Vice President elections and the current CINP Online webinar series.
We would like to congratulate CINP Fellow Dr. Carol Tamminga for winning the 2020 SOBP Gold Medal Award for her significant and sustained work that advances and extends knowledge in biological psychiatry. Watch the full video here:
Read the latest update on the CINP World Congress, virtual sessions and this year's EFPT Forum. Click here to read more.
Read the latest CINP Neurotransletter including a flashback to a collection of Dr. Alan Frazer highlighting some articles published in the IJNP, NbN App, CINP Leader Panel and the latest literature.
Thomas Ban has written an eulogy for Per Blech, who passed away on May 9, 2018. Click here to read more.
Listen to CINP President Prof. Siegfried Kasper reporting on the CINP 2020 Programme, New Formats, Membership, Elections and more.
Click here to read more.
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